Friday, January 16, 2009

Just a thought

I was a random party in Courtice last weekend, where I met some interesting people with a devoted passion for their type of music. I always find it interesting to listen to peoples opinions and struggles about their passion for music. So at about 1 in the morning we staggered outside lit a smoke and talked about his music and lifestyle; the life of punk...

This kid was younger than me and had a bright green, badly shaven mohawk, ripped jean jacket with studs and patches of bands and a rather selective vocabulary that i wont bother to censor out. Anywho, we talked about having different passions for our music, he said he could tell i liked metal since i entered the room. So we began talking about the image of punk vs the image of metal. Apparently, we concluded they have the same way of life, and same thoughts almost. We also concluded that both genres also have the fake poserish image that defies all of what the genre stands for. I cant remember anything else after that but yeahh.

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