For many years I took art class at high school because i thought I wasnt too bad at being creative. But then it occured to me, how can you mark art? art is a expression that is only unique to you.. How can you slap a mark on it from someonelses perspective? Basically, why should I draw or paint something to fit the teachers taste so I can get a high mark? this is bribery.
I mean look at those splatter paintings, if i was the first to develop the method my art teacher would definately burn it and bury the ashes. How can you critique a painting?
Another thing that is bothering me is all this hype on photography. I mean even I suck at photography yet all I have to do is get a good focus going and put it in black and white. Oooooo look at it its sooo emotional and deep. Maybe Ill put it on facebook and let all my friends see my unique talent. I might come across as being a jerk but hey thats how it comes out. The fact is that 90% of those wanna be grade whatever photographers dont know how to ACTUALLY EXPRESS THEIR ART IN A SINGLE PHOTO. Any three year old can take a picture and put it through paint and convert to greyscale. Photography is capturing a moment or essence on a photo, Not taking a bathroom photo with your friends and put it on facebook for attention.
interesting perspective... i guess you should be submitting all your photos in b&w for maximum effect