As corporate labels and record owners make their millions by telling
crappy artists how to fit into a trend, people end up downloading the one hit single. The fact of the matter is that these presidents of these huge labels take like 85% of the share from the artist so of course they are hungry for more. I always envisioned these money driven labels as a fat man in a suit smoking a cigar driving a expensive car. "The man" as people call it, is now in the music buisness which is very very sad.
To me music is definately not about the money, sure they need somewhere to sleep but hey I would say half the crappy artists on MTV live the royalty life where they dont even get any control of their music. They are corporate biatches and i would never call them musicians. Sure you need a label to promote yourself and spread your music around.. but to be bathing in a tub made out of gold seems not right. Back in the day, musicians had to STRUGGLE to get recognized and had to actually write awesome music unlike todays artists where the labels look for bands fitting a trend and offer them a chained record deal (where they control what you write, where you record, and how you look) They are FAKE basturds and they want a pretty penny for your whiny music.
So honestly who gives a sh*t about downloading music when the whole aspect of being a musician is to promote your art.

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