Thursday, January 8, 2009

Canadian Metal Scene vs the World

As a Canadian musician, you may find it tough and struggling to promote
your band to locals and rest of the world. The fact of the matter is, that it is seemingly hard to compete with the U.S. whom has more population, more diversity and hell of alot more labels.

The Canadian metal scene is on a hiatus, I know this of course because I am a struggling musicians dealing with small promoters and apathetic fans. The question that taunts me is Why?, why do people rather stay at home and listen to a bands music rather than seeing the band live in support?

The answer: the internet... I know it seems like a joke but it isnt. In todays society the fact of it is, is that everyone is constantly connected to the world. Whether it is myspace, facebook (ugh), itunes, TV, radio; people realize they don't need to support artists, they have a constant connection to them all the time, everyday, around the world. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing but it definately takes a huge toll in the scene. Comparing to the 80's or whatever, where they had limited form of connection really made the music scene ALIVE, fans attended concerts for recreation and really wanted to hear the band play.

In contrast to that, Canadian artists have to do THAT much better than the rival U.S. bands, maybe that is why Canada has been reputed as a consistent quality of music. Bands like Cryptopsy, Kataklysm, Woods of ypres and other rising bands all were that struggling band but had to put that extra spice to make their music stand out from the rest of the world.

It is that quality that makes Canada a underground metal nation, if only the Canadian metal fans support Canadian music instead of all these other countries; then Canada will have the recognizition it deserves!

- Matt

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